Chart of Global Diamond Production by Large Publicly-traded Commercial Producers
Notes: All companies considered "large, publicly-traded commercial-producers" are publicly-traded, listed on major stock exchanges in either London, Toronto, or Moscow, report using International Financial Reporting Standards, and are regulated by various governmental and self-regulatory organizations. Contributions to 2017 global diamond production volume are based on company guidance and Paul Zimnisky estimates, assuming 2017 global diamond production to be 147M carats. Endiama, the government of Angola's diamond mining entity, is a large-commercial producer accounting for an estimated 5% of global diamond production volume but is not publicly-traded (despite being partnered with ALROSA) and thus is not included above. Dominion Diamond Corp is in the process of being acquired by privately-held the Washington Companies. Anglo American owns 85% of De Beers with the balance owned by the Government of the Republic of Botswana, however, figures above represent 100% of De Beers' production volume. "Less Transparent Production" includes production from but not limited to Endiama, Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation, and various artisanal and semi-commercial production in nations such as Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, South Africa, Cote D'ivoire, Republic of Congo, Ghana, Guinea, Guyana, Liberia, India, and Togo.
Compiled on October 29, 2017.
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